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Book-Based Trainings

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Trauma Informed Treatment: The Restorative Approach

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CE Credits: 8.5 Credits
Length: 368 Pages
Level: Introductory
Training Style: Book
Category: Book-Based Trainings
Intended Audience: Mental Health, Correctional, and Legal Professionals

Book Description
Author Patricia Wilcox has written the essential guide to trauma-informed care with at-risk youth. Wilcox provides a foundational understanding of trauma’s impact on the developing brain, then details its implications for treatment, the promotion of pro-social behaviors, and improving the culture among clients and staff. Incorporating the key concepts of compassionate understanding, validation, skill teaching, and the primacy of trustworthy relationships for healing trauma and rebuilding connections in the child’s brain, Wilcox tackles some of the most difficult challenges in treatment settings with practical approaches grounded in theory and research. This book is an invaluable resource for parents, social workers, childcare staff, therapists, agency administrators, and anyone who cares about how kids are treated when they need skillful, trauma-informed care.
NOTE: Purchasing Continuing Education Credits for this book does not provide a copy of the book, itself, which can be purchased from NEARI Press at:
Editor Biography
Patricia D. Wilcox, LCSW is Vice President of Strategic Development for Klingberg Family Centers in Connecticut, which specializes in treatment of traumatized children and their families. She created the Restorative Approach, a trauma- and relationship-based treatment method. She is a Faculty Trainer for Risking Connection and an Adjunct Faculty at the University of Connecticut School of Social Work. She travels nationally to train treaters on trauma-informed care, specializing in improving the daily life of treatment programs. In 2011, she was named Connecticut Social Worker of the Year.
Learning Objectives
This training is designed to help you:
  • Identify what current, empirically-based, guidelines recommend as “best practice” for individuals working with children through a trauma-informed lens.
  • Describe how trauma impacts the developing brain of youth and the importance of trauma-informed care.
  • Apply restorative approaches to promote pro-social behaviors, and improve the culture among clients and staff.
  • Discuss and critically consider incorporating the key concepts of compassionate understanding, validation, skill teaching, and the primacy of trustworthy relationships for healing trauma and rebuilding connections in the at-risk youth’s brain.

1 Sponsorship: Multi-Health Systems, Inc. (MHS, Inc.) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. MHS maintains responsibility for this program and its content. The American Nurses Credentialing Center accepts Continuing Education Credit sponsored by the American Psychological Association. The Global Institute of Forensic Research, provider #1371, is approved to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Organizations, not individual courses, are approved as ACE providers. State and provincial regulatory boards have the final authority to determine whether an individual course may be accepted for continuing education credit. Global Institute of Forensic Research maintains responsibility for this course. ACE provider approval period: 6/8/2022-6/8/2025. Social Workers completing this course receive continuing education credits. Multi-Health Systems, Inc. (MHS, Inc.) is approved by the Canadian Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. MHS maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Multi-Health Systems, Inc. (MHS, Inc.) has been approved by NAADAC as an approved Continuing Education, Provider No. 144308. Programs that do not qualify for NAADAC credit are clearly identified. MHS maintains responsibility for this program and its content. The Global Institute of Forensic Research (GIFR) has been approved by NBCC as an approved Continuing Education provider. ACEP No.6711. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. GIFR is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs. Global Institute of Forensic Research (GIFR) is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0337. Multi-Health Systems, Inc. (MHS, Inc.) is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed psychologists #PSY-0036.

2 Refund/Cancellation Policy: If you wish to request a refund on account of technical difficulties, please contact

3 Commercial Supports: Multi-Health Systems, Inc. (MHS, Inc.) reports no conflicts of interest in the development and sponsorship of this training. MHS receives no commercial support for its Continuing Education programs or from its presenters.

Note 1: The CPA's approval of an individual, group, or organization as a CE Sponsor or Provider is restricted to the activities described in the approved application or annual report form. The CPA's approval does not extend to any other CE activity the Sponsor or Provider might offer. In granting its approval, the CPA assumes no legal or financial obligations to Sponsors, Providers, or to those individuals who might participate in a Sponsor or Provider's CE activities or programs. Further, responsibility for the content, provision, and delivery of any CE activity approved by the CPA remains that of the CE Sponsor or Provider. The CPA disclaims all legal liability associated with the content, provision, and delivery of the approved CE activity.